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Selectmen's Minutes November 2, 1999

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes of November 2, 1999

Present:  Chairman Daniel Webster, Judy Murdoch, Peter Jones, Cathy Kuchinski and Stephanie McSweeney.

Chairman Webster opened the meeting by welcoming the newest member to the Board, Stephanie McSweeney.  He made several public service announcements.  Town Hall Open House on Saturday, November 6th; Mass casualty training session at the Middle School from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., November 9th.  Several emergency vehicles will be in the area during this period.  Drainage committee meeting on November 6. Church fair and Lions event on November 13, 1999.

Mr. Webster indicated that Attorney Marder of Kopelman & Paige was present and the Board would enter into Executive Session under Item #3 to discuss strategies and potential litigation of non-union personnel.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second Judy Murdoch to enter into Executive Session.  Roll call Jones aye; McSweeney aye; Webster aye; Kuchinski aye; Murdoch aye. Voted 5 - 0

8:52 p.m. Returned to open session.  Mr. Webster explained that a vote was taken in Executive Session.  The Board voted 3 - 1 - 0 to nullify Mr. Nugent’s contract, send 30 day notice of termination of employment effective December 3, 1999 and place Mr. Nugent on administrative leave effective immediately. Mrs. Murdoch did not participate in the vote.  Mr. Jones explained that he abstained from the vote because he did not like paying someone for staying home.  He would have preferred to have Mr. Nugent work until 12/3/99 and if Mr. Nugent wanted to take a day off, he would have to cut into his sick or vacation time.

Mr. Webster indicated that a Vice-Chairman needed to be elected.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Judy Murdoch to elect Judy Murdoch as Vice Chairman.  Voted 3 - 2 (Kuchinski and McSweeney in the negative)

Treasurer/Collector Carole McCormack was present to request additional hours during tax time.  She indicated that she has two new people in her office and is still training.  She would like to add 8 additional hours to the clerk’s position.  This would be a temporary increase encompassing November 10 through December 13 - due date for the water bills.  Mr. Webster inquired if she is currently behind in her work.  Mrs. McCormack indicated that the office is one day behind in their postings with many of the tax bills outstanding.  She indicated that the Clerical Union will not have any problem with the additional hours.  Ms. Kuchinski pointed out that there are two Thursday holiday during the requested period.  She would have no problem approving the request, but would not approve additional hours on Thursdays.  

MOTION  by Peter Jones, second by Stephanie McSweeney to approve a total of  8 additional hours over Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 11/2/99 to 12/13/99.        Voted 4 - 0 - 1 (Webster abstaining)

Mr. Thomas Powers was present concerning the Maquan Playground.  He voiced his concern that the property is owned by the School District and would like to reclaim it and maintain possession of the Playground.  He indicated that Pamela Garcia has put a lot of work into the Playground but the Playground Committee needs funding for maintenance of the Playground.  Ms. Kuchinski inquired as to the amount of funding for the maintenance.  According to Mr. Power it was cost $4,000.00 for annual maintenance in order to keep the facility up to code.  Judy Murdoch was concerned that funding may be appropriated twice, once to the committee and once to the School Department.  Mr. James Armstrong from the School Committee arrived and explained the School Committee’s position.  They have recently appointment subcommittees and he is chairing the Facilities Committee to discuss capital issues.  It is a new committee which has held only two meetings.  However, his committee will look into the matter.

Discussed Sunday and Holiday openings for Liquor License holders from the ABCC.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Stephanie McSweeney to approve Sunday and Holiday openings according to the ABCC Memo.  Voted 5 - 0.

Scheduled Board Meetings for December 14, 28; January 11, 25; and February 1, 15 and 29.

Reviewed Police department agreement regarding the Detective’s position.  

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Peter Jones to sign agreement.  Voted 5 - 0.

Mr. Daniel Smith of Hanson appeared before the Board regarding purchasing property located on Crooker Place.  Mr. Smith had worked on the clean up of the area when Parks and Fields were looking into developing the property.  He estimated approximately 2000 - 4000  tires are on the property and the property is zoned industrial.  He would like to run a small construction business from the location.  Ms. Kuchinski would like to get input from other departments to see if they would be interested in the site.  Mrs. McSweeney inquired about the type of equipment used in the business.  Mr. Smith indicated it is a backhoe and truck.  Mr. Webster indicated the Board would take it under advisement and look into the cost estimate of having the area cleaned up.  The Board would also have to get Town Meeting approval to sell the property.  He would look into the sale process, such as bids or RFP’s.

Discussed Mr. John Dias’ request for an independent inspector on his property.  He indicated that he had experienced some difficulty with Mr. Germaine regarding a fence issue.  There were other issues regarding a greenhouse on the property and a deck.  There was some discrepancy regarding whether an inspection has been done.  Mr. Webster indicated that he would look into the matter and suggested tabling the issue until additional information is gathered.

Discussed the status of the Plymouth County Hospital.  Mr. Webster indicated that the property should be free of tenants by December 1, 1999.  Both the Town and the County Commissioners have agreed to an extension to the Purchase and Sales Agreement in order to close in December.  

MOTION by Cathy Kuchinski, second by Peter Jones to adjourn.  Voted 5 - 0.